Store Coming Soon!

We are rebuilding Visions entirely from the ground up in a new game engine. We will have an ingame store available soon where you can purchase items, mounts, pets, and other interesting things for your in-game character.



Things to do


During this phase of Pre-Alpha development, if you have access to the Tester’s game client, you can explore the terrain that we are building. You can test out the demo features that came with the engine we are using. You can meet up with friends online for an in-game Bible study. You can help us figure out what should take priority in the list of things that need to be fixed next.





Join the conversation


Even if you don’t have access to the client yet, or if our servers are down when you want to log in, you can still connect to our gaming community on Discord. Use the text, voice, and video features to arrange playtimes or even pray for one another.  You may use this link to invite people to the HBTZ community discord server:

We are working hard


We heard you! We know that the old game engine we were using before is no longer a viable option for many of you. We understand you want to play but you couldn’t even install the game. That engine is no longer supported, so we made the hard decision to change game engines and start over. We are making fast progress though and hope to have a new test client out soon!